By Barb Bellesini
Anxiety and fear is all around us as we face this Pandemic of Carona Virus. We DO have a choice about how it effects our state of mind and our health. And there are strategies that CAN help.
Research from 2009 swine Flu showed fear of the disease was significantly related to parents’ fear. Journal of Anxiety Disorders Vol 25, Issue 3 p 444-449
Just doing a few simple things can help to calm your whole body. Below is a diagram of many of the ‘signs’ your body gives you if you are under stress, scared, anxious or over emotional. Recognise them and find ways to ‘self soothe’ to calm yourself. Read, walk, run, listen to music, listen to a Mindfulness session, lie down, cook, think of happy things in your life, plan ahead …
Deep Breathing is the first thing I always suggest as research shows it it calms your system. Try having a Panic Attack when you are deep breathing – they say it is impossible!!
Teach a number of methods – Practise SLOW and STEADY breathing using Bubbles blowers; a pinwheel; water and straw; Breathe in for a count of 3, hold for 3 and breathe out for 3; Breath normally but count breaths backwards from 100 (20 or 10) count each breath ; All of these make you concentrate on your breathe NOT your problem!!