by Barb Bellesini

What are you doing for Anti Bullying Day? 

Go to Bullying No Way to get lots of ideas for you and your students:

Bullying is defined as a repeated pattern done to the same person/people, which is an intentional behaviour, causing distress and worry. Bullying can be in person or online, and can be hidden or obvious. 

It can be Physical, Emotional, Cyber, Verbal or Social bullying. It is NOT a once off incident. One strategy the children are taught is to ‘TALK, WALK, TELL.’

TALKsay  ‘STOP I don’t like …’ This often stops the behaviour. If not then ….
WALK Get away, find a friend or adult;  Walk away, don’t stay  TELL– tell an adult, teacher or parent, and also TELL them how they FEEL.

ePoster Bullying TALK WALK TELL

The Cyber Bullying mantra is:
RECORD– Take a screen shot/photo/print/keep evidence
BLOCK-  Block&/or Delete contact, REPORT them online
TELL– an adult, ask for help.


Some things to cover when talking about Bullying:

EMPATHY- Try ‘walking in other people’s shoes.’ Understanding people makes it easier to get along, most bullies have been bullied, many don’t have friends, some just need a friend, if you are kind to someone it is harder for them to be unkind to you. Often people bully for attention, as they have no friends and a low self esteem. Get to know them and it will be much harder for them to bully you.

DON’T BE A BYSTANDER- Watching, encouraging or joining in are all passive bullying. If you see someone in trouble, tell the person to STOP if it is safe to do so, and remove the victim from the danger. If it is not safe to do that, find help- a teacher, adult, other friends or call the police if you are out. 

ePoster Don’t be a Bystander

RESTORATIVE PRACTICE- Give everyone a voice, talk over the situation and see how it has effected others and what you can do to make things right. 

Songs: There are plenty out there:  THIS IS ME- by Keaka Settle. A current song from The Greatest Showman, is a great one to play and sing especially with Middles and Seniors and High School students.  Get Along by Guy Sebastian  For Gr 3 up an Stand the Anthem by Charleigh & Justin Gere For younger students there are many songs online e.g. Just Walk Away by Debbie and friends 


Make POSTERS. Here are some made by Yr 3-4 Students: 


How will your school wipe out Bullying??

ePoster Set