National Be Kind Day is a day to spread kindness as far as you can, to be kind to one another and to yourselves. Be Kind Day is a day to stand against bullying, and help bullies to become kind.

If you are kind to someone, it is harder for them to be unkind back. Kindness can be shown in many ways: Give a compliment, smile, ask others to join in, tell a joke, open a door, help with a task, write a note, do a drawing, give a card, pick a flower for someone, speak in a kind voice……. The list is endless.
Remember, bullies have often been bullied themselves. They often don’t know how to make friends, so help them. They are often lonely and don’t know how to join in. Be kind to them, and see what happens.
Do you have Kind or unkind actions? What can you do about it?
2-3 young people EVERY week are ending their lives due to bullying. ROLE MODEL KINDNESS! #standinguptothebullies#nationalbekindday