A BIG THANK YOU to all those who were able to attend the Be Positive Program launch. It was well attended and had representatives from students who greeted and told guests about the program, teachers and friends who have supported me in writing my program, parents, wellbeing leaders and consultants, principals, a psychologist and representatives of the Education Office. We learnt something about the program as well as doing a Buddy Handshake and Fruit Salad Massage. It is now all ‘officially’ out there! Come and join the party.
- Support crew
- Proud mum of cover illustrator
- Support crew and guest speakers
- Support crew
- Support crew
- Sally-Anne McCormack psychologist / author of Living with ANTs
- Parents support crew
- More support crew
- Natalie- my inspiration for the program cover
- Where it all began!
- Busy sellers
- I’ve been Launched!