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    ePoster , Poster

    Calm and Strong Poses

    These poses can help you calm your mind and body. Use them in the classroom, on the play ground, at home, on the beach, whenever you need to calm and centre yourself.

    Also available in the Poster Set and as an ePoster.


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    ePoster , Poster

    Cyber Bullying RECORD BLOCK TELL

    Stop Cyber Bullying in its tracks, use this strategy as part of the answer. RECORD any Cyber Bullying by taking a screen shot, photo etc. to have evidence, BLOCK the sender, and TELL a responsible adult.

    Also available in the Poster Set and as an ePoster.


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    ePoster , Poster

    Self Talk Changes your MIND and your ACTIONS

    What you think is what you are and do, your self talk is important. ‘Listen’ to what you say in your head as well as out loud, it is what you believe and can influence what you do. The more positive you think the more positive you’ll become.

    Also available in the Poster Set and as an ePoster.


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    eBook , Lesson Plans

    Package 2

    The Be Positive Program Package Two has both the A3 and A4 size posters (14 in each set), Junior Workbook, Lesson Plans for Junior Workbook, (Australian or Victorian Curriculum) Gratitude Journal & Setting Goals. This program covers every Social and Emotional learning area.

    Also available as an ePackage.

    10% off 3+ packages

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    eBook , Lesson Plans

    Package 1

    The Be Positive Program Package One has A4 poster set (14 posters), Junior Workbook, Lesson Plans for Workbook, (either Victorian or Australian Curriculum), and  a Gratitude Journal & Setting Goals book. This program covers every Social and Emotional learning area and is suitable for 4-8 year olds. Lessons to follow up for older students will be ready by late 2018.

    Also …

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    ePoster , getting along

    ePoster Circle Time

    Circle Time is central to the Be Positive Program, as it gives every student a voice. Each person needs to have the opportunity to speak in every lesson. This give some ideas and parameters about how to run a circle time session.

    Also available in the ePoster Set and as a printed Poster.


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    ePoster , Growth mindset

    ePoster Growth Mindset Traffic Lights

    Self Talk is one of the most important ways of making ourselves feel happy, but we need to do it with a Growth Mindset. We all have choices about what we do and say, but sometimes the first things that we think do not help that process. We have to be aware of what we are thinking and turn RED …

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    ePoster , Poster

    ePoster Mood Map

    The Mood Map keeps track of feelings and emotions and can be used individually or as a class. Children place their name on the chart in the morning and can change it if their mood changes, e.g. after recess or lunch. There needs to be a conversation about why, especially when there are extremes. You will see a trend, so …

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    ePoster , Poster

    ePoster Compliments Fill Our Bucket

    Compliments fill our ‘invisible’ bucket. When we give a compliment we fill our bucket and the other person’s as well.

    Also available in the ePoster Set and as a printed Poster.

    Use Coupon eSHIPPINGFREE for free shipping and handling of this product.