ePoster , Poster
Training to be Happy and Positive
Do these things every day to improve happiness. Being grateful, exercising, relaxing, doing things you love and doing acts of kindness, all make you happier and more focused.
Also available in the Poster Set and as an ePoster.
ePoster , Poster
Calm and Strong Poses
These poses can help you calm your mind and body. Use them in the classroom, on the play ground, at home, on the beach, whenever you need to calm and centre yourself.
Also available in the Poster Set and as an ePoster.
ePoster , Poster
ePoster Calm and Strong Poses
These poses can help you calm your mind and body. Use them in the classroom, on the play ground, at home, on the beach, whenever you need to calm and centre yourself.
Also available in the ePoster Set and as a printed Poster.
Use Coupon eSHIPPINGFREE for free shipping and handling of this product.
ePoster , Poster
ePoster Training to be Happy and Positive
Do these things every day to increase happiness.
Also available in the ePoster Set and as a printed Poster.
Use Coupon eSHIPPINGFREE for free shipping and handling of this product.
ePoster , Poster
ePoster Breathe Act Think
This is a strategy to calm down when anxious, stressed, angry, worried or over excited.
Also available in the ePoster Set and as a hard copy Poster.
Use eSHIPPINGFREE in the COUPON box so no postage is charged.
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