Getting on top of Anxiety

By Barb Bellesini The pandemic, and bushfires in Australia, have left everyone effected in some way. Loss of:- Privileges, jobs, homes, family contact, travel, sport, gyms, medical support, weddings, lives, funerals, celebrations, visitors, even toilet paper!! There is also loneliness, isolation, depression and uncertainty. It will effect some now, others Read more…

Feelings and Emotions

Feelings and emotions by Barb Bellesini We are talking about feelings and emotions. Everything we have covered is just as true for adults as it is for children. We have been playing a game called Face to Face, where children make a face and the other copies. Sometimes this causes laughter and happiness, Read more…

Managing Feelings

The Middles have been talking about ways to manage their feelings. They have been revisiting ways to make themselves calm down so they don’t let their feelings get out of control and  hurt themselves or anybody else. They each made a poster so they could share their knowledge with others. How Read more…