calming down Archives | Be Positive Program Be Brave Be Confident Be Resilient Sat, 13 Mar 2021 11:28:39 +0000 en-US hourly 1 calming down Archives | Be Positive Program 32 32 Getting on top of Anxiety Sat, 13 Mar 2021 11:28:36 +0000 By Barb Bellesini The pandemic, and bushfires in Australia, have left everyone effected in some way. Loss of:- Privileges, jobs, homes, family contact, travel, sport, gyms, medical support, weddings, lives, funerals, celebrations, visitors, even toilet paper!! There is also loneliness, isolation, depression and uncertainty. It will effect some now, others Read more…

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By Barb Bellesini

The pandemic, and bushfires in Australia, have left everyone effected in some way. Loss of:- Privileges, jobs, homes, family contact, travel, sport, gyms, medical support, weddings, lives, funerals, celebrations, visitors, even toilet paper!! There is also loneliness, isolation, depression and uncertainty. It will effect some now, others in a few months or even years.

No one can learn or think clearly when they are anxious. The Amygdala, the part of the brain that controls emotions, takes over. It feels THREAT, and is trying to keep us safe, but the brain can’t tell if it is REAL or PERCEIVED threat. It sends out the Fight or Flight message. The ANXIOUS brain needs to be CALMED and feel SAFE before being able to make a good decisions.

Watch this three minute video for one approach to anxiety. NIP= Notice Inquire Plan

NIP =Notice Inquire Plan

Revisit the post below to remind yourself of things to do to calm yourself, students, family, friends.

Some good books on Anxiety: Hey Warrior – Karen Young; Hey Awesome – Karen Young; When I’m Feeling NERVOUS – Trace Moroney; My Calm Me Down Book – Trace Moroney; When I’m Feeling Sad – Trace Moroney; The Huge Bag of Worries– Virginia Ironside; Anxiety Sucks- Teen Survival Guide– Natasha Daniels

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Making wearing masks ‘Normal’ Mon, 13 Jul 2020 13:48:09 +0000 By Barb Bellesini How can we make wearing masks ‘Normal?’ It is a reality now that COVID-19 is with us. In Melbourne and all over the world, we have been advised to wear masks. How do we make this OK with children? Some can be frightened by them. One great Read more…

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By Barb Bellesini

How can we make wearing masks ‘Normal?’ It is a reality now that COVID-19 is with us. In Melbourne and all over the world, we have been advised to wear masks. How do we make this OK with children? Some can be frightened by them. One great way is to put a mask on a toy at home and in the classroom. I remember having an eye operation when I had a two year old, and he came to the hospital with a teddy wearing an eye patch. If it was OK for teddy it was OK for him to see me with one.

Make sure you have circle time discussions, so each child can have a voice and express what they know and how they feel about the whole situation. Good luck. Stay safe and sane.

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ANXIETY and how to manage it Thu, 19 Mar 2020 12:23:45 +0000 By Barb Bellesini Anxiety and fear is all around us as we face this Pandemic of Carona Virus. We DO have a choice about how it effects our state of mind and our health. And there are strategies that CAN help. Research from 2009 swine Flu showed fear of the Read more…

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By Barb Bellesini

Anxiety and fear is all around us as we face this Pandemic of Carona Virus. We DO have a choice about how it effects our state of mind and our health. And there are strategies that CAN help.

From Healing Energy Tools

Research from 2009 swine Flu showed fear of the disease was significantly related to parents’ fear. Journal of Anxiety Disorders Vol 25, Issue 3 p 444-449

Just doing a few simple things can help to calm your whole body. Below is a diagram of many of the ‘signs’ your body gives you if you are under stress, scared, anxious or over emotional. Recognise them and find ways to ‘self soothe’ to calm yourself. Read, walk, run, listen to music, listen to a Mindfulness session, lie down, cook, think of happy things in your life, plan ahead …

Deep Breathing is the first thing I always suggest as research shows it it calms your system. Try having a Panic Attack when you are deep breathing – they say it is impossible!!

Teach a number of methods – Practise SLOW and STEADY breathing using Bubbles blowers; a pinwheel; water and straw; Breathe in for a count of 3, hold for 3 and breathe out for 3; Breath normally but count breaths backwards from 100 (20 or 10) count each breath ; All of these make you concentrate on your breathe NOT your problem!!

Last suggestion for this post is to do as many ACTS OF KINDNESS as you can! Look around, brain storm ideas that you can do in your school or neighbourhood to help others. This makes BOTH yourself and the other person feel happier.

What are you and your family going to do to help yourselves and each other??

What are you and your family going to do to help yourselves and each other??

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Wellbeing for all after fires /smoke / CoronaVirus Sun, 02 Feb 2020 14:07:34 +0000 Routine at any time helps you feel safer and less anxious.

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By Barb Bellesini

Even though children or adults may not show outward signs of worry or anxiety, almost ALL will be effected in some way. They may have been in the fires, lost their home, been worried about the smoke everywhere, seen pictures on TV, heard adults talk about it, had their holiday changed or stopped, donated to the fire charities, been at sporting matches were they were raising money or had someone effected by the Coronavirus – all of these things can play on their minds. Until you ask the question, you don’t know what they are thinking. Try the following strategies:

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Routine at any time helps you feel safer and less anxious. You know what is coming. Go over safety plans, but NOT an unscheduled one, as is often the case for ‘practice.’ Put up your schedule every day, and try and stick to it.

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Watch, observe and listen. Are there mood changes? Unusual outbreaks? Lack of interest? Drop in motivation? Do they react to noises, sudden movement or sounds, smells or colours? Use a ‘Mood Map’ or ‘Catastrophe Scale’ to help them monitor their own moods and readiness for learning.

Go to Website to purchase:


Get to know each child. Learn their likes, hobbies and show an interest in them. Rapport and respect are essential.

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Use Circle time to give children an opportunity to state how they feel, using ‘silent statements’ may be a good way to start. Allow each child to talk, write and draw about things they did over the holidays, some will mention the fires, smoke or virus, others may not want to talk about it. Never force them to speak, always give them the option to ‘pass,’ but keep a close eye on their behaviour. Let them talk and walk with a friend or support person if they need to.

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Use deep breathing, mindfulness, gratitude, self soothing, counting to ten, music, physical exercise, colouring, reading, massage, walking and talking etc. Teach them as many different ways to calm as you can, as some will work on one day and may not work the next! They will know what works best for them. Gratitude is a wonderful way to show them they have good things in their lives. It can change their mood and attitude. Setting Goals can also help them to focus.

Go to Website to purchase:

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Get them to draw a hand and write an adult they can trust to talk to and tell them any worries on each finger. If they are older, write friends or extras on the palm. Everyone needs someone to let out worries to. Different people may be for different worries. Some may need to be referred to a Doctor, Psychologist or Psychiatrist. Let them know that is OK.

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Watch and listen for negative self talk, encourage and teach positive self talk. This will lead to a Growth Mindset.

Go to website to purchase:

Other resources: Blog from Berry Street with more ideas on how to cope in the classroom.

Beyond Blue:

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Anti- Bullying Learning and Teaching resource (ALTER) video Thu, 16 Aug 2018 01:00:13 +0000         by Barb Bellesini This powerful anti-bullying video was put together by students who had been bullied. I suggest it is good for students from 11-19. Their message is ‘Stand up. Stand together. Don’t be a bystander.’ The sound track is ‘Fix It’ by Coldplay. Never be Read more…

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This powerful anti-bullying video was put together by students who had been bullied. I suggest it is good for students from 11-19.

Their message is ‘Stand up. Stand together. Don’t be a bystander.’

The sound track is ‘Fix It’ by Coldplay.

Never be a Bystander, you can always help in some way. Just saying ‘Stop!’ can make a difference. Help if you can, but don’t put yourself in danger. Get someone else to help if you can’t, report it to teachers, adults or police if needed.

See the Post below for some other ways to help Dis-empower Bullies.

Ways to ‘Dis-empower’ a Bully

ePoster Don’t be a Bystander


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SELF TALK (Growth Mindset) to help Emotions Sun, 03 Jun 2018 08:16:02 +0000     by Barb Bellesini What is something YOU do to make yourself feel better?? Self Talk can either harm or help you! If your Self Talk is Negative and Unhelpful- a FIXED MINDSET, then it can be harmful and stop you from progressing or changing, whereas Helpful Positive Self Talk is Read more…

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What is something YOU do to make yourself feel better??

Self Talk can either harm or help you! If your Self Talk is Negative and Unhelpful- a FIXED MINDSET, then it can be harmful and stop you from progressing or changing, whereas Helpful Positive Self Talk is working with a GROWTH MINDSET, where you allow yourself to build, develop and grow into a more resilient, happy person. Your INNER belief effects what you can and can’t do. To CHANGE some of those Negative Fixed Mindset ideas try asking yourself questions like: ‘Is that really true? What is another way to think of that? Can I have a go? What strategies can I use?Am I exaggerating? How can I solve this?’ They will lead to a GROWTH MINDSET, more learning and a better outcomes.

Following are some ‘Growth Mindset Self Talk,’ suggested by the students, to help manage our emotions:


We all talk to ourselves in our head all day, but often will catch ourselves saying negative things. Try some of the following Self Talk to help you stay on an even keel:

I am a good person

I am going to have a great day

It won’t last forever

I’ll feel better tomorrow

I have some great friends

My family love me

I can ask for help

I can keep trying

Don’t give up

Tomorrow will be a great day

Get over yourself!!

I’ll take some deep breaths and I’ll feel better

I can do it

Everything will be OK soon

I have the courage to have a go

I can walk away

I can go and do something I like

I’ll have a drink of water

What strategy can I use to help?

Is there another way to look at this?


What are some things YOU say to yourself to make you feel better?? Change those NEGATIVE thought patterns (Fixed Mindset) into POSITIVE (Growth Mindset) ones! You will feel much better if you do!

Remember: If you THINK you CAN, you CAN. If you THINK you CAN’T, then you CAN’T!!

See Products page for this and other posters to help you, your students or patients.

ePoster Self Talk Changes your MIND and ACTIONS

Self Talk Traffic Lights



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What is Self Talk? Wed, 16 May 2018 01:56:51 +0000 glitter maker What IS Self Talk? Get a pen and paper and write down the first thing that comes to mind when you read these words: Dog Cat Breakfast school homework fly If you did this with a class of 24 students, you would get an average of 10- 25 Read more…

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glitter maker
glitter maker

What IS Self Talk?

Get a pen and paper and write down the first thing that comes to mind when you read these words:

  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Breakfast
  4. school
  5. homework
  6. fly

If you did this with a class of 24 students, you would get an average of 10- 25 answers for each of the words! We ALL think differently and can NEVER assume what some else is THINKING or FEELING!!

BUT if you are AWARE of your OWN Self Talk, it can help you change your mood and outlook on many situations. If you THINK you CAN you CAN, if you THINK you CAN’T then you CAN’T! Simple as that!!

Do some work with yourself and your students on ‘catching’ what you are actually saying to yourself, if you find yourself thinking RED Unhelpful Thoughts /Fixed Mindset, try to change them to a more positive thought, a GREEN Helpful Thought /Growth Mindset.

You could be sabotaging your own happiness by keeping on thinking RED Unhelpful Thoughts, when you could be happier by just thinking about the situation in a different way!

This is a poster I use in classrooms to remind students to catch their RED thoughts or Fixed Mindset and change them to GREEN thoughts or Growth Mindset.


Self Talk Traffic Lights

ePoster Self Talk Changes your MIND and ACTIONS


ePoster Set




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Feelings and Emotions Sun, 22 Apr 2018 10:00:32 +0000 Feelings and emotions by Barb Bellesini We are talking about feelings and emotions. Everything we have covered is just as true for adults as it is for children. We have been playing a game called Face to Face, where children make a face and the other copies. Sometimes this causes laughter and happiness, Read more…

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Feelings and emotions

by Barb Bellesini

We are talking about feelings and emotions. Everything we have covered is just as true for adults as it is for children.

We have been playing a game called Face to Face, where children make a face and the other copies. Sometimes this causes laughter and happiness, in others embarrassment and awkwardness, but in the end we need to acknowledge ALL of our feelings. NO feeling is bad, it is only WHAT we DO with the feelings that can cause harm if we let it.

We talked about different ways to manage the strong emotions on both ends of the spectrum, by having ways to STOP and calm ourselves down. Some of the examples the students gave were:

Think happy thoughts
Relax in the sun
Tell someone about it
Yell on a hill and let your anger out where noboby can hear you
Hit your pillow
Play X-box, play PS3
Enjoy good things
Get a Fruit Salad Massage
Do something you like
Tell them to stop
Go to your ‘happy place’
Write down your feelings or a letter
Play sport
Take deep breaths
Forgive and forget
Read a book
Watch a movie
Count to 10
Spend time with your family
Lie down
Listen to music
Hang out with friends
Have a bath
Play PC games
Forget it!

What is something YOU do to make yourself feel better??

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CONTROL Your FEELINGS Tue, 21 Nov 2017 11:25:07 +0000 glittertextmaker.inf      by Barb Bellesini ALL FEELINGS are OK, as long as WHAT we DO with them doesn’t HURT or HARM anybody else or get us into trouble. All levels have been talking about feelings and these are some of their responses: Your body will give you signs if Read more…

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glittertextmaker.inf                                                by Barb Bellesini
ALL FEELINGS are OK, as long as WHAT we DO with them doesn’t HURT or HARM anybody else or get us into trouble.
All levels have been talking about feelings and these are some of their responses:

Your body will give you signs if you are getting upset, angry, annoyed, anxious or even over excited eg. headaches, shaking, a sore throat, can’t sleep, blushing, sweating, 100% overheated, frowning, butterflies in tummy, pounding heart, shaky voice, dry mouth, feel sick, need to go to the toilet, feel hungry etc.

……and you FEEL like you want to: explode like a volcano, run around, punch something, be silly and noisy, be a bad person, boss someone, squeeze something, sleep, kick something, run away, break something, push, swear, jump, have my own time and space, scream, tell someone, punching something, rip something….

You will need to STOP and THINK

Will my actions hurt anyone? Will they calm me down or make it worse? What SHOULD I do?

Calming yourself down is the best way to go BEFORE doing anything that may cause harm. Take deep breathes, count to ten, tell the person, ‘Stop, I don’t like it.’, walk away, talk to someone in your support team, meditate, go outside, go to somewhere quiet, to your peaceful place, do something active, hit a punching bag or your pillow, jump on the trampoline, read, lie down, listen to music …… THEN your mind will be clearer to make GOOD decisions about what you should do.

How will other people behave towards you if you are not the BOSS of your FEELINGS?

….annoyed, scared of you, angry, tease you, not want to be your friend, ignore you, not respect you, upset with you, frustrated, they will think you are not worthy, unfriendly, they will boss you around, irritated, agitated, follow you, call you names, won’t trust you …

How will YOU feel about yourself?

(alone, unhappy, sad, mad, depressed, stressed, tired, bad,  stupid, bored, frustrated, angry, moody, weird, hate yourself, not responsible, …)

So… WHO is in CONTROL?

YOU or your FEELINGS??

ePoster Control Your Feelings

Breathe Act Think

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Managing Feelings Tue, 07 Nov 2017 11:11:22 +0000 The Middles have been talking about ways to manage their feelings. They have been revisiting ways to make themselves calm down so they don’t let their feelings get out of control and  hurt themselves or anybody else. They each made a poster so they could share their knowledge with others. How Read more…

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Glitter Words
The Middles have been talking about ways to manage their feelings. They have been revisiting ways to make themselves calm down so they don’t let their feelings get out of control and  hurt themselves or anybody else. They each made a poster so they could share their knowledge with others.

How do YOU calm yourself down??

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