strengths Archives | Be Positive Program Be Brave Be Confident Be Resilient Wed, 19 Sep 2018 11:31:00 +0000 en-US hourly 1 strengths Archives | Be Positive Program 32 32 Inspiration- Nick Vujicic Fri, 03 Aug 2018 15:00:59 +0000       by Barb Bellesini What is inspiration? Middles and Seniors watched the following short video called: –‘NEVER GIVE UP, Nick Vujicic in a School.’ Nick is a motivational speaker who was born a Thalidomide, with no arms or legs. He has a short limb he calls ‘Chicken drumstick’, and has become a Read more…

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What is inspiration? Middles and Seniors watched the following short video called: –‘NEVER GIVE UP, Nick Vujicic in a School.’ Nick is a motivational speaker who was born a Thalidomide, with no arms or legs. He has a short limb he calls ‘Chicken drumstick’, and has become a VERY independent adult, teaching and challenging himself to do many and varied things that ‘able bodied’ people can achieve. The children were touched by the presentation and have come up with their own ‘Inspirational Statements.’ Watch the video again with your children to see what they saw.

A sample of INSPIRATIONAL STATEMENTS from the students:
Nick has touched me so much. He made me feel important now because I used to think I was a piece of rubbish. These are some of the things I have learnt from him:

  1. Don’t wish for things you know you are not going to get.
  2. Everyone is special no matter what happens to you.
  3. You can always have a go, just keep trying and trying.


If you say you can’t do it you can’t, but if you say you can do it you can!!

Believe in yourself, keep trying to make an attempt.

Don’t waste your life.

Be happy with what you’ve got.

Challenge yourself.

If you help people, they help you back.

You can be happy even if you don’t have everything you want.

Two wrongs don’t make a right.

If you’re embarrassed don’t give up.

It doesn’t matter what you look like you’re the same in the inside.

You can do anything that is possible only if you believe in yourself.

Don’t waste your life wishing for something you know you won’t get.

It’s a lie that you are not important, because everyone is important and special.

Be grateful for what you have and who you are.

You are beautiful, so don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.

If you give up on yourself, don’t expect other people to give up on you.

Be grateful for what you have.

To cope with stuff people that say about you, use your humour.

Even if someone is different it doesn’t mean they can’t do things you can do.

Don’t worry if you have a disability your life can still be worthwhile, never give up.

Be confident in who you are.

Don’t judge other people, they can be better at some things than us.

Even though you might be born with a disability, it don’t mean you aren’t as good as others.

It’s alright if you are not the same as others because you’re still special.

It doesn’t matter if you are big or small, fat or skinny, or have no arms or legs, there is always something special to find. There is no such thing as not perfect!


Gratitude Journal & Setting Goals Journal




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Acts Of Kindness Wed, 21 Feb 2018 11:31:15 +0000     by Barb Bellesini It was Random Acts of Kindness Day on Feb 17th. What did you do?? Have YOU performed an Act of Kindness today? Have YOU shown kindness to someone else today?? Each child from grade one to six, chose an Act of Kindness to carry out over FOUR Read more…

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It was Random Acts of Kindness Day on Feb 17th. What did you do??

Have YOU performed an Act of Kindness today? Have YOU shown kindness to someone else today??

Each child from grade one to six, chose an Act of Kindness to carry out over FOUR weeks. They were expected to do it at least once a day. Some have chosen actions that can be performed more than once a day.

The idea is to make them more aware of how they are treating others and how they are being treated. We read a book about ‘Filling’ each other’s ‘Invisible Buckets’ and how doing acts of kindness to others, actually helps to fill our own bucket as well. When our bucket is full, we are happy, when it is empty, we are sad.

Some of the Acts of Kindness, how the children FELT doing the action and how the recipients felt are listed below. Some of my favourites are: Act: give a hug a day even when I feel angry How they felt: I felt like I am good! Recipients feelings: ‘Phew, I don’t have to nag her!’  (This child did her homework without being asked and imagined what her mum was thinking!)

The grade 6 children made some posters to put around the school to remind people to be kind to others.

Some of the ACTIONS
Make my bed; smile more; help people; help set the table; help cook dinner; get up when the alarm goes; go to bed when I’m told; get ready on time; give a compliment; do the dishes; empty the dishwasher; clean my room without being told; play with my brothers and sisters, don’t fight with them; clean my room; spend more time with my family; put my clothes in their place; give a fruit salad massage; listen;  fold the socks; help tidy the house; do my chores without being asked; fed the dog or cat; or clean up after the dog; play with people; help people with problems; pray for people; give a hug a day even when I feel angry; help parents around the house.

How does it FEEL?

Juniors: Happy;  bored (they didn’t like making their bed!!); great; OK; I enjoyed it; helpful; terrible (When they forgot and fought with their sibling!); normal; good about this activity because people liked it!; like I am good!; nice and helpful; it was really easy but it was hard!; I was happy when I did it; disappointed because I didn’t do it much (I forgot); very happy; really tired but happy; it was fun; I was a bit busy; really great; tired and very, very good;  I liked this activity because I like doing chores sometimes; this activity made me less tired (I went to bed when mum said!); I felt like helping everyone; I felt like I loved everyone; good doing this activity because I helped my mum and it helped her a lot; good because I’m used to it (Now gets out of bed with the alarm!); I felt happy and I care about people; really happy and it was easy; I loved it; it made me feel good; it was fun

Middles: My bucket filled up every time; good because my mum praised me; happy because I saw everyone smile; good because I got to help my family; that I should listen; I felt weird; good and happy playing with my cat; playing with my brother was hard; happy when I got to talk to them again; fantastic; really happy to make people feel nice and happy; confident to do what I chose; weird and helpful; better and I also felt like I was making my family happier;  mine could have been better; I forgot to do it;  caring happy; happy to know my sister and brother were happy; terrible because I didn’t do it much; dumb; very, very, very, very, VERY happy!

Seniors: Very pleased with myself; I feel better; I wasn’t late for school; really helpful; sometimes I didn’t want to help but I did; a bit confused; I don’t see the point; really good to help others; I felt I could do a more meaningful action; happy for the challenge ahead of me; good because I was helping mum; like I was making mum work not as hard; it was hard at some stages; I was kinder to my brother; better and happier and I got along with people better; pretty good sometimes I didn’t want to do it but I pushed myself; happier because my mum was happy; good because I’m making someone happy; cheerful; A little proud I felt like I filled someone’s bucket; happy because I am encouraging my peers and family; tidy and organized; good when I was complimenting others; like I was helping instead of doing my own thing; proud of myself; good because I did it for the family;  easier because you get used to it; I thought it made other people feel good; happy to help my parents; very happy when my bucket got full; not very well I think I could have done better.

How did your family / others feel?

Good because they don’t have to do it for me; Happy because they all gave a laugh and a smile; I think my family felt happy; happy because I’m going to bed;  my brother is thankful and so is my cat;  I think they tried to keep up the good work which was making them happy; good that I made my bed in the morning and say goodnight.
“Phew; I don’t have to nag her!’ shocked; they felt happy because I was doing it; OK; pleased; happy and shocked.
Happy because they felt encouraged; relieved, less stressed; good because it took off the amount of work mum had to do; good because my parents didn’t have to tell me to do it every day;  I think everyone was very excited; like they didn’t have to do much; good because they could relax; happy because other people get compliments; relaxed more; 100% good inside! I think when I was quiet they enjoyed it; good because she was getting a hug from me every day.
They smiled when I helped them; Good because they didn’t have to wake me up and my brother and I wouldn’t be late for school; they felt relaxed; not as rushed and thankful!!!; helped happy and not stressed as much; grateful; confused like me; Good because I don’t usually play with her; I’m sure they liked my little idea; the other person felt brilliant; like they had more time to rest; pleased with me; I think other people would enjoy being with me more;

 Fill someone’s bucket today!!                                      

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Acts of Kindness Tue, 10 Oct 2017 10:00:46 +0000 Acts of Kindness – using our Strengths and Talents to make us better Citizens A couple of weeks ago our Positive ED teacher gave us a task to do:  ‘Random Acts of Kindness’ using the talents and strengths we have: some people have space and vision talents;  some have maths and logic; Read more…

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Acts of Kindness – using our Strengths and Talents to make us better Citizens

Some of the actions we did were:
writing a story to give to neighbours to read, cleaning up neighbours’ yards, helping to clean the pigeon’s cage,
selling lemonade and lollies to raise money for St Vinneys,  washing cars,  giving skills clinics, helping Mrs Kaye,
making up a play and entertaining neighbours, singing and dancing for kids at school, teaching maths to other students, doing surveys visiting a nursing home, making an environmental magazine, a bird feeder, walking dogs, making and giving
away handmade pictures and book marks, cleaning parks and school yards, anti-bullying presentations, designing new playground areas, helping teachers, personal questionnaires, maths lessons
Some comments:

Chloe-Our action was to give away art pieces to make people happy. I felt happy to see the smiles on peoples faces when the received the art and it was really fun making the art.

AMBER – My action was to write a story to then share with my neighbours to encourage reading so that everyone loves it. I got feedback both positive and constructive to help my writing. I created a presentation which I then shared with my class and the story is on my personal blog “Amber the Enchanter”.

Tessa and Jamie- Our action was to make lolly bags and lemonade to sell out on the street. We made little cards saying have a nice day or enjoy the rest of your day, and gave them out to people when they bought something.

Katherine and Corinne-    Our action was to make corner bookmarks to give as a present to our classmates and expecting nothing in return, just to put a smile on their faces.  This made us feel awesome!

Mia-my action was walking people’s dogs  with a friend and I really enjoyed putting smiles on people’s faces

Nick- my action is to be nicer to people and make a poster about bullying, I believe that when people receive compliments it makes them happy and feel good about themselves.

Rylee and Raquel – our action was to care for our families dogs. We went to the park walked around the block and had a good time.

Jonathan and Ivan-  Our action was to teach the students of St Luke’s maths. If the students needed help to catch up on their work, or if they just wanted to get ahead of their class, they would come to us.

Make someone happy today by doing a Random Act of Kindness

Compliments Fill our Bucket

ePoster Positive Thought of the Week

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