Thinking Archives | Be Positive Program Be Brave Be Confident Be Resilient Sat, 15 Sep 2018 12:44:35 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Thinking Archives | Be Positive Program 32 32 Problem Solving Toolboxes Mon, 10 Sep 2018 11:21:45 +0000   Problem Solving Toolboxes                                         by Barb Bellesini                  We have been looking at how we automatically react to different situations, and wondering if we are Read more…

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  Problem Solving Toolboxes 

                                       by Barb Bellesini


We have been looking at how we automatically react to different situations, and wondering if we are doing the right thing?

Children learn by example– which Toolbox do WE use? Can we change and learn together?

Which Problem Solving Toolbox do you naturally go to first?

(These are inspired by Lindy Peterson’s STOP DO THINK program in Hawker and Brownlows’ Cognitive Behavioural Training)

The AGGRO Toolbox: Kicking, screaming, yelling, hitting, swearing, punching, slapping, shouting.

When you use these tools you usually get angrier and so do those around you. So is it a good choice??

The WEAK Toolbox: crying, sulking, complaining, dobbing, whining.

When you use these tools, it doesn’t help the problem go away, and you will still feel bad.

The COOL Toolbox: Look at the person, talk about the problem, say ‘I don’t like it when…’ (in an assertive NOT passive or aggressive way), ignore it or walk away, make a deal, ‘Ok, you can do that for a while if I can…’

When you use these tools, they can start to FIX the problem. You choose to start thinking, and once you do you will find there are many, many ways to solve the problems.

Think of at least 3 ways to solve your problems and use the best way. Soon you’ll be able to think of hundreds of ways to solve things. Be great inventors and problem solvers!!

The world will be a better place if we ALL use the COOL Toolbox most of the time. If you forget and use the wrong tools, say SORRY and then try the right tools!!

Which Toolbox will you reach for next time there is a problem?

ePoster Breathe Act Think

Control your Feelings

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What is Self Talk? Wed, 16 May 2018 01:56:51 +0000 glitter maker What IS Self Talk? Get a pen and paper and write down the first thing that comes to mind when you read these words: Dog Cat Breakfast school homework fly If you did this with a class of 24 students, you would get an average of 10- 25 Read more…

The post What is Self Talk? appeared first on Be Positive Program.

glitter maker
glitter maker

What IS Self Talk?

Get a pen and paper and write down the first thing that comes to mind when you read these words:

  1. Dog
  2. Cat
  3. Breakfast
  4. school
  5. homework
  6. fly

If you did this with a class of 24 students, you would get an average of 10- 25 answers for each of the words! We ALL think differently and can NEVER assume what some else is THINKING or FEELING!!

BUT if you are AWARE of your OWN Self Talk, it can help you change your mood and outlook on many situations. If you THINK you CAN you CAN, if you THINK you CAN’T then you CAN’T! Simple as that!!

Do some work with yourself and your students on ‘catching’ what you are actually saying to yourself, if you find yourself thinking RED Unhelpful Thoughts /Fixed Mindset, try to change them to a more positive thought, a GREEN Helpful Thought /Growth Mindset.

You could be sabotaging your own happiness by keeping on thinking RED Unhelpful Thoughts, when you could be happier by just thinking about the situation in a different way!

This is a poster I use in classrooms to remind students to catch their RED thoughts or Fixed Mindset and change them to GREEN thoughts or Growth Mindset.


Self Talk Traffic Lights

ePoster Self Talk Changes your MIND and ACTIONS


ePoster Set




The post What is Self Talk? appeared first on Be Positive Program.

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